Sports Daily Online

127 Died in Stampede After Football Match In Indonesia

A total of 127 people were killed and 180 injured in a stampede on 1st Oct after a football match in Malang, East Java, Indonesia.

According to the Jakarta Post, the incident happened after the end of the match between Arema FC and Persebaya Surabaya.

The Stampede Is Dued to the Supporters of The Losing Team Stormed the Stadium

East Java police chief Nico Afinta told reporters that supporters of the losing team stormed the stadium and police were forced to fire tear gas, triggering a stampede and suffocation.

Video footage from a local news channel showed people rushing onto the pitch of the Kanjuruhan Stadium in Malang, along with images of body bags.

Two of the dead were police officers. Local news outlets said thousands of fans had difficulty breathing and several eventually passed out.

News reports said as many as 3,000 of the 40,000 spectators turned up after the game. At least 13 vehicles were damaged, including 10 police cars.

Indonesia’s top league BRI Liga 1 has been suspended for a week after Persebaya’s 3-2 win and an investigation has been launched.

“The football world is in a state of shock following the tragic incidents that have taken place in Indonesia at the end of the match between Arema FC and Persebaya Surabaya at the Kanjuruhan Stadium,” FIFA President Gianni Infantino said and expressed his condolence and prayers for the victims in the incident. 

He added that, “this is a dark day for all involved in football and a tragedy beyond comprehension. I extend my deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims who lost their lives following this tragic incident.”