Sports Daily Online

Long Lines At Qatar World Cup Stadium Trail

As thousands of fans streaming from the Qatar World Cup Stadium, a supervisor was screaming that the metro station is full and marshals are linking arms to stop them.

The stadium was nearly filled up with 78,000 people after a match that was testing to get ready for a tournament. 

The stadium was out of water and people were looking for water for their sweating kid. The temperature was 34 Celsius but people was feeling hotter because of the humidity. 

A Mess In The Qatar World Cup Stadium

Qatar World Cup Stadium
Image Credit: The Japan Times

It is the first time that this new stadium which have 80,000 seats hosted such a crowd. It is the largest of Qatar’s eight World Cup stadiums. 

With hundreds of South Asian and African workers filling the arenas, they left at half time to board buses away. 

The organizer spokesperson mentioned that the game was designed to problems, such as operational issues and also to learn lessons to organized a “seamless” World Cup. Those who were involve in the event organization will have an invaluable experience to carry into other tournament this year.

Many fans said that the event was a mess. One of them even elbowed a marshal in the neck. The metro station entrance was only 400 metres away from the stadium but people have to queue in a 2.5 kilometre line.