Sports Daily Online

Owen Is Back After Long Hiatus

Independent badminton player Owen Thing Shih Wee is back after 4 years. He has reached the mixed doubles semi-finals with Wong Ling Ching in Sukma.

The pair upstaged Justin Hoh-Wong Kha Yan in 47 minutes. They will be competing with the top seeds Tee Kai Wun-Toh Eh Wei.

The other two pairs joining the semi-finals will be Mohd Haikal Nazri-Chan Wen Tse of Kelantan and Tan Kok Xian-Yap Ling of Melaka.

Owen Is Focusing On His Job


Owen had been focusing on his job at Star Energy for the past four years. Badminton was a backseat for him. But when the state approached him with the offer to represent Sarawak, his desire was rekindled.

Owen said badminton is his hobby as he is currently working. But that didn’t stop him from consistent training, which made his life productive. His last tournament was the Perak Sukma in 2018.

Owen had only two months of training before the tournament, and he is hoping to get a medal with Ling Ching. He will go all out for it as this will be his last Sukma.